
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is this for real?
A. Yes. Simply! Thousands of people receive free goods every year. You could be one of them.
To read a more in detail explanation, visit my How You Can Get Free Gifts page! And for the real deal, check out my Proof Page!

Q2. Is there a time limit for getting stuff?
A. Not with us, no.
Some ‘Networks’ (Companies that send you your free stuff) do set a time limit that can make it difficult to get your freebies, but FreebieJeebies is not one of them.

Q3. So can I get more than one free thing?
A. Of course!

When you place an order, your account will be reset, and you can start again, there is no limit to the amount of Freebies you can get.

Q4. I don’t want spam, why do you need my address?
A. Your email/home address are used strictly, and ONLY for the purposes of you getting your free gift.

Also to prevent people trying the defraud the network by having multiple accounts. Your details will NEVER be sold on, and you receive nothing but a welcome Email from FreebieJeebies.

Q5. I’m from the USA, not UK, can I still join?
A. Of course!

They pay out in your local currency – so you can join in wherever you live!

We welcome US members. You can get whatever you like delivered straight from

Q6. Can I get a Cash Alternative?
A. Of course you can!

For each ‘Green’ (Person who has tried a free trial) you can receive a custom order from anywhere (Except Ebay) on the Internet, as long as the site allows us to pay, and you to receive. The amount you have to spend is £20/green on a custom order. You can also get the cold, hard cash given to you by Bank Transfer (BT), at a value of £17/green. This way, you can’t lose out!

Q7. Can I have more than one account?
A. NO!

Any multiple/duplicate accounts will be seen as an attempt to cheat the system, and you will receive nothing. Please see the Rules page for more information.
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